Friday the 13th and a Full Moon, too: It’s too horrible to imagine!

Full Moon Friday the 13th


We tend to let our imaginations run wild when we’re planning new haunts here at Thrillvania Haunted House Park but even we can’t quite wrap our minds around the fact that this week we’re going to experience Friday the 13th and a full moon all on the same night. Imagine the possibilities!

This Friday will be the only Friday the 13th in 2014. It also happens to be the first time since October 13, 2000 that a full moon has held reign in the sky on Friday the 13th and it won’t happen again until October 13, 2019.

We’re in for a rare treat this Friday, that’s for sure. Bad luck and weird energy will be coursing through the atmosphere for a full 24 hours. Anything might happen.



Werewolves notoriously stalk their prey by the light of the full moon. But what happens when the full moon falls on Friday the 13th? Who experiences the worst of the heightened bad luck? Does the werewolf trip over a sidewalk crack, thus missing his mark and his monthly feast? Or does his prey, who’s already had the bad luck to become the werewolf’s next target, trip over that same crack and break his mother’s back before he becomes the werewolf’s next meal?

Jason VoorheesAnd what about Jason Voohees? Jason will forever be associated with Friday the 13th, but what happens to him by the light of the full moon? Does he become even more deranged, killing not only sex-crazed, beer-soaked teenaged campers but innocent movie-goers and their lusty dates, too?

And what if the two were to meet? Imagine Jason and The Werewolf going head-to-head by the light of the full moon on Friday the 13th. Who would survive? And who would really be the unluckiest that day – Jason, the Werewolf or YOU!

We’re going to pull out all the stops this Friday the 13th and tempt Fate as we party under the full moon at the Friday the 13th Event at Cutting Edge Haunted Park. Join us if you dare, and if you don’t we’ll see you this fall at Thrillvania Haunted House Park at 2330 County Road 138, in Terrell, Texas.

Counting Down the Week before Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th


About a week before every Friday the 13th we take a lengthy tour of Thrillvania, home to the most haunted house in Dallas, Texas. We search for anything that might attract or cause bad luck, because if it’s unlucky to have it around every other day of the year, you can bet it’s doubly bad luck to have it around on Friday the 13th. Since we’re exactly one week out, we thought we’d share our checklist so you can be prepared, too.

Mirrors – If they’re nailed to the wall we make sure to cover them with a sheet lest we get a glimpse of the Face of Death. If they’re mirrors that can be picked up, handled and possibly broken, thus ensuring 7 years of doom, we stash them away in a locked closet for the day.

Ladders – All ladders are folded up and stashed in the shed. There’s always one daredevil in the bunch who laughs in the face of Friday the 13th and takes a walk under a ladder if there’s one standing at the ready. One of these days we’re going to rig up a can of paint so it falls on his head!

Black cats – It’s almost impossible to rid the countryside of cats and black cats are especially difficult to catch. They’re sneaky and hard to see and they seem to disappear when you look directly at them. We do our best though, luring them into one of our outbuildings with a tasty feast of fresh tuna and seasoned chicken gizzards and plenty of warm milk.

Umbrellas – All umbrellas are stashed right along with the ladders and mirrors lest some foolhardy idiot decide he wants to open it up indoors and see what happens. We know what will happen – we don’t need proof.

Beds – While most of our cast and crew sleep in their own homes at night we do have a few beds around for… well… let’s just call them “unwary guests.” In order to ensure they have at least a few moments of good luck before they meet their maker the inhabitants of Thrillvania, we arrange all the beds so our “guests” are able to rise and shine on the right side of the bed.

Spiders – Like black cats, there’s very little we can do to eliminate all the spiders in our haunted park. After all, it’s a pretty big place and we specialize in creating the type of creepy environment that just seems to attract these 8-legged creepizoids. Still, though, it’s bad luck for the rest of the day if you see a spider in the morning. On Friday the 13th we try not to peep into any dark, dusty corners until after the clock strikes noon.

The menu – On Friday the 13th we never ever have “the foul fish” on the menu and we never ever serve anything that must be eaten with a knife and fork. Weather permitting we usually fire up the grill and barbecue some… baby back ribs, yes, that’s what we’ll call them, baby back ribs.

This year, we’ll be celebrating the day at Cutting Edge Haunted Park where they promise a Friday the 13th Event too spectacular to miss. Join us there if you dare and remember to mark your calendars for the season opening of Thrillvania Haunted House Park at 2330 County Road 138, in Terrell, Texas.

13 Things You Should Not Do On Friday the 13th

13 things you should not do on Friday the 13th


At Thrillvania Haunted House in Dallas we’re not ashamed to admit that we, too, as brave as we are, take certain precautions on Friday the 13th. Silly things, like spitting into the wind or crossing paths with a black cat, may or may not bring you bad luck any other day of the year but on Friday the 13th they’re guaranteed to bring you bad luck in spades.  We’ve already told you what you should do on Friday the 13th, now we’re going to tell you what you should avoid.

Don’t go near uncovered mirrors

Everyone knows you’ll have 7 years of bad luck if you break a mirror but did you also know that many people will cover their mirrors on Friday the 13th if they are sick or dying, fearing that if they don’t they’ll see the face of Death in the mirror when they pass by.

Don’t yawn

In ancient times they believed that the Devil made people yawn so he could gain entry into their body and take possession of their soul. If you must yawn remember to cover your mouth to keep the rascal out.

Don’t be the 13th dinner guest

When you’re the “fifth wheel” at a dinner party you simply feel uncomfortable and out-of-place. When you’re the 13th dinner guest, that’s another story. Look at what happened to Judas and Jesus when after the 13 guests shared The Last Supper.

Don’t walk under a ladder

Because the typical ladder has 3 points, early Christians believed that walking under a ladder expressed your disbelief in the Holy Trinity and put you in league with the devil. Perhaps the best reason to avoid walking under a ladder on any day of the year is because you never know what might fall on your head!

Don’t save someone who’s drowning

Ancient mariners believed that it was bad luck to save someone who was drowning. They looked upon the sea as a sacred being or a god who demanded a certain number of bodies every year. Pulling a drowning person out of the god’s grasp meant certain death for the savior.

Bad luck on Friday the 13thDon’t go looking for spiders

On any other day, if you find a spider in the morning you’re going to have bad luck the rest of the day. Multiply that bad luck by 10 if you find that eight-legged creepy-crawlie on Friday the 13th.

Don’t use salt

Spilled salt at lunchtime brings bad luck by dinner which you can easily ward off by tossing a pinch of salt over your right shoulder… unless it’s Friday the 13th., of course. Why tempt fate? Stay away from the popcorn today.

Don’t go on a first date

A medieval superstition holds that any romance begun on a Friday is doomed. If you’re already in a relationship, you’re safe. But if there’s a possibility that Friday the 13th might be “The Night”, cancel that date and wait until Saturday.

Don’t open an umbrella indoors

My grandmother used to say if you opened an umbrella indoors it would shower you with bad luck, but wouldn’t that be true, then, no matter where you opened it? As far as I can see the only “bad luck” I’ve experienced is getting my open umbrella stuck in the doorway and ripping it to shreds, but why push your luck?

Keep your feet off the table

While it’s bad luck to put your feet on any table, shod or not, because your grandmother will probably whack you with her knitting needles, it’s especially bad luck to put your shoes on a table, whether your feet are in them or not.

Don’t burn your eggshells

Another ancient superstition, it was thought that burning your eggshells would singe the feathers of the hen that laid the eggs. She would then become so angry she’d never lay eggs again. Don’t have any chickens? Don’t tempt Fate. Remember, the fate of your eggs is in the hands of the bag-boy at the grocery store.

Don’t use knives or forks

Crossing your knife and fork on the dinner table is considered bad manners but it’s also said to bring bad luck. A crossed knife and fork symbolizes hard times ahead. It’s also bad luck to present a knife as a gift to someone. If your friend would love a Swiss Army Knife for his birthday, ask him for a penny, just to be on the safe side.

Don’t name that fish

Another ancient mariner superstition deals with what you can call the Fish That Shall Not Be Named. You can call it “the beast,” or “the red fish.” You can call it “the foul fish” or simply “the fish.” But, unless you want to suffer irreversible, horrible bad luck, you may never call it a salmon.

Want to have some fun on Friday the 13th? Join us as and we’ll all temp Fate together at Cutting Edge Haunted Park for their Friday the 13th Event. And don’t forget – mark your calendar now and start making plans to bring the gang out to Thrillvania at 2330 County Road 138, in Terrell, Texas for the best Halloween celebration.